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Charles Satterfield on graduation day, May 2021

It's Never Too Late for a New Beginning

1 minute read

“They never gave up on me, so I never gave up on myself.”

Charles Satterfield has worked as a night shift custodian at Madison College for about five years. In May 2021, at age 67, Charles earned his GED. His story garnered extensive local media coverage, inspiring others to start over at Madison College.

Q: You got your GED at age 67. What made you decide to come to Madison College to complete it after all these years?

As a custodian on campus, I used to see how hard the students were working. I thought, “I could do that. I could get my GED. And maybe, just maybe I can be a reflection on my grandkids and my children. Maybe I can motivate them to go to school.” It looks like in some ways that’s paid off because my daughter is pursuing nursing and my grandson—he’s only six—but I can see he’s more motivated about school. He sees me going to classes and that’s made him more excited about school.

Q: How did it feel to earn your GED?

It felt good. But honestly, my biggest accomplishment is becoming drug-free. I took some turns in life and my family is still what matters most.

When I got cleaned up, I did it for my kids. I honestly never thought about going back to school until I started working here. I saw the students, how hard they were working. But it also looked like fun!

And if I got my GED, I knew I’d make my mom proud. She’s almost 90 and lives in Texas. My family sent her a tape of my graduation and it made her so happy.

Q: What’s next in your future?

I am enrolled in classes now! It’s a challenge with my work schedule because I’m on the night shift. But I am not giving up on myself.

I want to be an addiction counselor and help other people who are in recovery. Maybe I can help somebody. That’s my goal.

Q: How has Madison College impacted your life?

It got me to go to school. Seeing the students working so hard really got to me. And the staff here –I could go on and on about how wonderful the instructors are.

Any time it got difficult and I thought about quitting my classes, my instructors talked to me and kept me going. They never gave up on me, so I never gave up on myself. That was pretty cool.

Q: What advice would you give someone who is thinking about coming back for their GED?

Don’t give up on yourself. You never know what can happen. Until you try. Just try …