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Students like Nikki will graduate from Madison College and transfer directly into the UW-Madison School of Education.

Future Teacher Celebrates a New Path to her Career

1 minute read

“I now know the impossible is possible.”

When I first heard about the Guaranteed Admission Contract between Madison College and the UW-Madison School of Education, I was thrilled!

Being able to get into a school like UW-Madison once seemed impossible. High school was not easy for me. With this agreement, I now know the “impossible” is possible.

Thanks to the support the program offers, I know exactly what I need to do and that I have a spot waiting for me when I transfer. It’s kind of like seeing a finish line. Some days it seems far away, but I can see it and it gives me hope.

I would encourage other future teachers to take this path because it saves you money and stress. Plus, you’ll earn your associate degree along the way.

I can’t wait to become an elementary school teacher. I have taught at a daycare center, coached basketball and I’m a mom who currently works at an elementary school. Teaching is not just what I do—it’s what I love!

I meet with advisors at both colleges to ensure I’m on track. My Madison College advisor, Tracey, has really guided me. She makes sure I know what classes I need to take, what my different options are. She has made my time here extra great. Better yet, she taught me that there is more than one right path to success!

I have also had some amazing teachers here at Madison College. They have pushed me to think critically and ask questions when things do not make sense. Some teachers have even opened my eyes differently to teaching. They have made me think more deeply of what it really means to be a teacher.

I’m beyond grateful for all Madison College has done to support and prepare me.

–Written by Nikki Retelle-Harden, Liberal Arts Transfer-Education student