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Students enjoy a welcoming, diverse campus environment. (Photo taken pre-pandemic.)

Furthering Statewide Equity and Inclusion

1 minute read

To bring about change, we need to be able to talk about the challenges we face.

Madison College has been part of the WTCS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee for some time.

Over the past year, efforts were focused on establishing affinity groups, employee of color mentoring, and equitable hiring practices at various colleges.

These connections have been used to compare notes across the 16 colleges and to foster ideas and opportunities that further equity engagement. The need for progress throughout Wisconsin has led to the colleges’ shared commitment to five leading efforts:

  • Sustained conversations on systemic racism and policy reform
  • Focus on equity in student access and success
  • Use data to close equity gaps
  • Review hiring and retention policies
  • Increase transparency

To bring about change, we need to be able to talk about the challenges we face. Madison College is proud to partner with WTCS in sharpening our collective equity lens.